After having worked in the television and film industry for over a decade, I've decided to escape the madness and relaunch myself into the creative world of graphic design. This blog documents snippets of inspiration gathered, projects I'm working on, and miscellaneous musings. It's more of a creativity-inducing personal scrapbook than anything else, but I encourage you to peruse it's pages, and add insight and share interesting tidbits whenever possible, because they are very welcome.

July 12, 2011

Imaginative Wood Jewelry Boxes

Hunting online for interesting looking jewelry boxes and I came across these beautiful hand-carved wooden gems...


  1. Artistically gorgeous craftsmanship! I'd love to know the step-by-step procedures including the design stage. Of course, having the artistic vision is something resident in the brains of only a lucky few.
    Ron R. (The only profile term I understand is "Anonymous," so that's why I picked it.)

  2. Great work. Thanks for your time and another brilliant article with imaginative ideas for boxes.

  3. Thanks for your sharing your box ideas. I bought the product from this site (Click here )- great service, great prices. I would definitely recommend them.
