After having worked in the television and film industry for over a decade, I've decided to escape the madness and relaunch myself into the creative world of graphic design. This blog documents snippets of inspiration gathered, projects I'm working on, and miscellaneous musings. It's more of a creativity-inducing personal scrapbook than anything else, but I encourage you to peruse it's pages, and add insight and share interesting tidbits whenever possible, because they are very welcome.

May 19, 2011

Feral Textiles by Keiley Stewart

Last week I went down to James Street North for the monthly Art Crawl and stumbled across the most whimsical animal heads created by textile designer and Sheridan student Keiley Stewart at the Surfacing Show inside of James Buttrum and Son Gallery. There was a fox, a lion and a hare and they were beee-utiful! 

She had artfully strung them from the ceiling at head-level so that people could stand up in them and try them on. A photographer kept busy taking shots of random art lovers wearing the heads and I was lucky to get mine taken with the fox head and added to the wall of fame. Totally interactive art always makes me smile - it's so much more personal and memorable.

I also love that Keiley is into foxes - her fox scarf and ring are so adorable I want to break into her house and steal them (I'll pay for the damages ;P). Seriously though - this girl has got talent and I hope she takes it a step further. 

Check out her site here. Can't wait to see more from her soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,

    Thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed my work.
    I'm currently working on expanding the Animal Collective and developing more photos, so stay tuned!
    Also, if you're in the area, I'm participating in the Beehive Summer Craft Fair during Hamilton's August 12 & 13 Art Crawl at the Old Friendship Shop, 118 James Street North. I will be selling all things foxes. Hope you can make it out!

    Thank you again, Julie!
