After having worked in the television and film industry for over a decade, I've decided to escape the madness and relaunch myself into the creative world of graphic design. This blog documents snippets of inspiration gathered, projects I'm working on, and miscellaneous musings. It's more of a creativity-inducing personal scrapbook than anything else, but I encourage you to peruse it's pages, and add insight and share interesting tidbits whenever possible, because they are very welcome.

August 5, 2011

Michael Paulus' X-Ray Visions

Ever wonder what your favourite cartoon characters are comprised of? Artist Michael Paulus explored the inner foundations of many great nostalgic heroes of 60's childhood in his character study series. Dissecting them from head to toe, he has systematically dismantled each character and stripped them of their fleshy outer shells to reveal the structures that make up these glorious cultural paradigms. And they're currently available for purchase!

To see more of these stunning X Rays, visit his website. While you're there, view some of his other captivating works. I can't wait to see what this guy comes up with next!