After having worked in the television and film industry for over a decade, I've decided to escape the madness and relaunch myself into the creative world of graphic design. This blog documents snippets of inspiration gathered, projects I'm working on, and miscellaneous musings. It's more of a creativity-inducing personal scrapbook than anything else, but I encourage you to peruse it's pages, and add insight and share interesting tidbits whenever possible, because they are very welcome.

July 20, 2011

Nothing's Radder Than Roger

Just when you thought skateboarding was the most uber-awesome hobby on the face of planet earth, Roger Skateboards slaps you in the face with some mondo-epic designs to blow your mind. 

Okay, well...maybe not epic...nor mind-blowing...but they're sure to dredge up a smile, and make you wanna hit some pavement. 

Check out their wicked-smart site.

For more hipster awesomeness, check out the catalogue here.