After having worked in the television and film industry for over a decade, I've decided to escape the madness and relaunch myself into the creative world of graphic design. This blog documents snippets of inspiration gathered, projects I'm working on, and miscellaneous musings. It's more of a creativity-inducing personal scrapbook than anything else, but I encourage you to peruse it's pages, and add insight and share interesting tidbits whenever possible, because they are very welcome.

December 28, 2010

White Out

Everyone seems to be buried under a shit-ton of snow lately, but as I look out the window, we haven't had the pleasure as of yet. I'm not saying that's an entirely bad thing - I'm not a fan of digging my car out or braving the bitter cold of the tundra, but I do love being snuggly warm inside with a cup of cocoa and a splash of Carolan's. 

I know I haven't been keeping up with this blog as I originally intended to, but hopefully 2011 will give me a renewed opportunity to get excited about art and design as I look for employment once the meantime, I satisfy myself with images of amazing snow sculptures on Google Image's a few of the highlights...

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